there are TOO many people who are arguing which one is better.
hey guys just deal with the fact.
BOTH are great phones. the matter is not that what is better but
what suits you better.
before you go arguing with people, think twice please
we are living in a big world and here is so many way to live or think
when you can understand the other, you might see something more.
i just watched a video
'아시아의 열대 - 2부 까로의 슬픈열대(The tropics in Aisa - #2 Caro's the blue tropic)'
it showed the people who live in Indonesian tropical region. some of them are living in the modern... village;; some of them are still living sort of traditional places in traditional ways. the latter barely wear clothes and sometimes they get married in traditional way for the money from travellers. one of their customs was that women cut their each finger themselves after their husbands had died. one of them has got only one finger at one hand. they said 'it's for sharing their condolences for the loss of their men. and they cut the edge of their ears when they lost their cousins - i cant remember exactly.
some says 'what the hell are they doing in there?', 'it's unbelievable that they and we are living in the same time' or just... 'oh, dear...'
well should we have a sympathy for them? are they really living worse than us?
it, for sure, could be horrible if those things happen in the world i live - and you live also. but it's not.
im not that critical for this fact
but i think im pretty critical for whom say bluh bluh bluh.
we are the same human being and we just live in different situation, environment, or something like that.
every single person - even a thing - has its own way to live / survive / enjoy their lives. NO one could ever judge other. just face the truth and accept it.
when i was watching it, i was just pleased to see them smiling at each other, worrying about their kids, doing some embarrassing things for the money which would be given to their children's study in abroad. i could feel the warm heart of the parents and once again, i could see that smile makes other smiling. just like this, we are living in the SAME world in the same way but slightly(actually a bit more) different environment. we arent luckier than them. we are both lucky. we have parents, children at least we can smile :)
what i truly wanna say is i just believe that just see the facts and dont be biased. i know we certainly have the cases what we must be biased but you know im not talking about that case. once you started to compare, youll be judged also oneday.
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