Tuesday, 25 December 2012
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Monday, 29 October 2012
Day 1
3 sets of 20 lying legs raise
3 sets of 20 crunch
2 sets of 20 back extension
1 set of 10 back extension
2 sets of 10 oblique crunch on back extension bench (both sides)
2 sets of 10 reps 10kg inclined bench press
1 set of 10 reps 15kg
1 set of 10 reps 20kg
1 set of 10 reps 25kg
1 set of 8 reps 30kg
1 set of 10 reps 10kg bench press
1 set of 10 reps 15kg
1 set of 10 reps 20kg
1 set of 8 reps 25kg
1 set of 6 reps 30kg
2 sets of 10 reps 10kg dumbbell press
1 set of 12kg
1 set of 15kg
2 sets of 7kg dumbbell fly
1 set of 10kg
2 sets of 10 reps 15kg cable crossover
1 set of 8 reps 20kg
2 sets of 10 reps 15kg
48 minutes for running and walking on a treadmill.
(running distance; roughly 5.5km)
by the way my weight was 163lb... f..... such a pig
now I know my mum would be ashamed of me ;(
but I'll show you something in two months. you will see
3 sets of 20 crunch
2 sets of 20 back extension
1 set of 10 back extension
2 sets of 10 oblique crunch on back extension bench (both sides)
2 sets of 10 reps 10kg inclined bench press
1 set of 10 reps 15kg
1 set of 10 reps 20kg
1 set of 10 reps 25kg
1 set of 8 reps 30kg
1 set of 10 reps 10kg bench press
1 set of 10 reps 15kg
1 set of 10 reps 20kg
1 set of 8 reps 25kg
1 set of 6 reps 30kg
2 sets of 10 reps 10kg dumbbell press
1 set of 12kg
1 set of 15kg
2 sets of 7kg dumbbell fly
1 set of 10kg
2 sets of 10 reps 15kg cable crossover
1 set of 8 reps 20kg
2 sets of 10 reps 15kg
48 minutes for running and walking on a treadmill.
(running distance; roughly 5.5km)
by the way my weight was 163lb... f..... such a pig
now I know my mum would be ashamed of me ;(
but I'll show you something in two months. you will see
Saturday, 27 October 2012
추억이 아름다운 이유
미소를 짓게 하는 그때 그 시절
우리는 종종 ‘그때가 좋았지’라는
말을 합니다. 과거를 돌이켜보면 대부분의 일들이 아름답게 느껴지기 때문입니다. 힘들었던 경험, 처절했던 좌절, 심한
다툼 등도 시간이 지나서 떠올리면 무덤덤하게 생각되거나 웃으며 이야기할 정도로 순화되기도 합니다. 왜
지난 추억은 아름답기만 할까요?
기억하기 싫은 것은 잊어버린다 – 동기적 망각
정신분석학자 프로이트는 기억과 관련하여 ‘동기적 망각’이라는 개념을 제시했습니다. 이것은 개인이 기억하기 싫은 일들, 고통스럽거나 위협적인 것, 불쾌한 것, 좋지 못한 경험을 무의식적으로 잊어버린다는 것입니다. 가령 누군가와
만날 약속을 해놓고 깜빡 잊어버리는 경우가 있습니다. 이것은 그 사람과 만나기 싫다는 동기가 있기 때문이라는
것이 프로이트의 설명입니다. 동기적 망각이 작용하면 기억하기 싫은 과거의 일은 잊어버리기 때문에 좋은
추억만 남아있게 되는 것입니다.
이와 유사하게 과거 아름다운 시절의 모습과 사람들만을 간직하고 싶어하는 인간의 심리현상을 ‘무드셀라 증후군(Mood Cela Syndrome)’이라고도 합니다. 힘들고 어려운 현실에 대한 스트레스에 대처하기 위해 과거의 아름다운 꿈을 꾸는 것입니다.
내용보다 감정이 먼저 망각된다
한편 기억하기 싫을 정도로 창피했거나 모욕을 당했거나 싸웠던 일도 지나서 보면 추억거리가 되기도 합니다. 인간은 어떤 사건을 기억할 때 그 내용뿐만 아니라 당시의 상황이나 감정 등 여러 요소를 함께 기억합니다. 그렇기 때문에 사건이 일어난 다음날처럼 기억이 생생할 때에는 당시의 일이 떠오르면서 그때 느꼈던 감정 그대로
몸서리를 치거나 혹은 짜릿한 행복감에 젖기도 합니다.
하지만 시간이 지나면서 사건에 대한 내용과 상황, 감정에 대한 기억들은
서서히 망각되어갑니다. 그 중 가장 먼저 망각되는 것이 당시에 느꼈던 감정입니다. 여러분에게도 모두 힘들고 괴로웠던 지난 시절이 있을 것입니다. 그리고
당시에는 아마도 무척이나 견디기 어려운 날들이었을 겁니다. 하지만 시간이 지나면서 감정은 사라지고 사실만
남게 됩니다. 그러면 감정 없이 돌이켜 볼 수 있으니 추억이 되는 것입니다. 시간이 약인 셈이지요.
나이 들수록 추억은 더욱 아름다워져
실험에 의하면 추악한 일이나 장면을 대했을 때, 젊은이들은 감정을
강하게 개입시키며 기억을 하는 반면, 노인들은 감정 개입을 줄이고 이성으로 걸러 추악한 기억이 가능한
한 남지 않게 한다고 합니다. 20대와 70대의 피험자들에게
평범한 사진과 추악한 장면이 담긴 사진을 보여주고 난 다음 MRI 촬영을 해보니, 20대는 추악한 사진을 볼 때 감정에 관여하는 편도와 기억을 관장하는 해마가 서로 긴밀하게 상호작용을 했습니다. 반면 70대는 추악한 사진을 볼 때 이성적 사고를 담당하는 뇌 부위인
전두엽이 해마와 상호작용하는 비율이 높았습니다. 즉 이성적으로 충격을 완화시켜 기억하는 방식이었습니다.
또 이들에게 기억검사를 실시했을 때 70대는 20대보다 추악한 사진을 잘 기억해내지 못했습니다. 즉 젊은 사람보다
노인들의 감정조절 능력이 뛰어나기 대문에, 흥분시키는 사건이 있어도 상대적으로 영향을 덜 받는다는 것입니다. 그러므로 나이가 들수록 추억은 더욱 아름다워집니다.
어떻게 보면 추억이 늘 아름다움 속에서 존재한다는 것은 우리에게 살아갈 수 있는 힘들 주기 위한 고유의 방어막일지도
모릅니다. 끊임없이 여러 가지 일들과 부딪히며 살아가야 하는 현실에서 과거의 기억마저 괴롭고 힘들다면
미래에 대한 희망을 가지기도 어렵겠지요. 오늘의 괴로움도 시간이 지나면 희미해질 것입니다. 그리고 아름답고 그리운 추억으로 남을 것입니다.
-글, 박지영(‘유쾌한 심리학’ 저자)
Friday, 26 October 2012
super hot tub time machine
sometimes, all we need a dream
even though that is so ridiculous :)
sometimes, all we need a dream
even though that is so ridiculous :)
Thursday, 25 October 2012
국민은행 국민카드 불만사항
지난 7월경 국민카드로부터 체크카드 우수사용고객에게 신용카드를 발급해준다는
전화를 받았습니다. 마침 카드가 필요하던 때라 발급할 생각으로 말씀하시는걸 듣고 있었죠. 당시 저에게 상품을 소개하시던 직원은 ‘해피포인트 카드’를 얘기하더군요. 고객님 같은 경우에는 커피는 자주 드시는데 체크카드를
주로 사용하다 보니 할인혜택을 잘 받지 못하고 있다며. 그래서 전 ‘아무래도
체크카드보단 신용카드가 할인혜택이 많겠지’라고 생각했습니다. 그렇게 2주정도 시간이 흐르니 카드가 오더군요. 한참 사용을 하다 보니 주위에서
왜 그 카드를 했냐고 물어봅니다. 그래서 전 ‘이거 밖에
말 안해주던데?’ 라고 했더니 제가 속은거라며, ‘다른 카드가
많은데 그 직원이 어떤 이유에서인지는 모르지만 뭔가 있었으니 그것만 얘기 해줬을거다’ 라더군요. 당시 잘 확인 하지 않은 제 잘못도 있는 것 같아 그냥 넘어갔습니다. 하지만
그런 얘기를 듣고 쓰다 보니 이 카드보다는 더 제게 맞는 카드가 있는 것 같더군요. 그래서 얼마 전, 국민은행에 처리할 일이 있어 갔다가 혹시 카드 변경신청이 가능하냐고 물었더니 흔쾌히 된다고 하더군요. 1주일 안에 카드가 올거라면서 여기저기에 싸인을 하라더군요. 연회비를
물었더니 각각의 카드마다 년 100만원 이상을 사용하면 면제가 된다는 얘길하더군요. 그렇게 전 ‘굿데이 카드’를
다시 신청하게 되었습니다. 전 좀 햇갈렸지만 ‘‘굿데이카드’를 받고 나면 이전 카드는 폐기할거니까 큰 문제는 없을거다’ 라고
생각하고 오늘, 카드를 받았습니다.
왜 카드를 은행에서 신청하냐 라고 물어보실 수도 있을 것 같아서 말씀 드립니다.
어머니께서 KB카드 사용에 문제가 있으면 국민은행에서 늘 처리를 하셨다는 얘길 듣고 저도
가봤더니 되더군요. 전엔 한 은행 직원분과 통화할 때, 은행-카드사는 법인이 달라서 은행업무는 은행에 카드업무는 카드사에 문의하라는 얘길 언뜻 들었던 것 같았는데 뭐 어쨌든
되긴 하더군요.
이전 카드 사용정지를 위해 1588-1688로 통화를 했는데 또 다시
놀라운 소리를 들었습니다. 사용하는 카드 중에서 제일 높은 연회비 한 건만 내면 된다. 그마저도 일정금액을 넘어서면 면제가 된다고 합니다. 잘 이해가 되질
않아 다시 물었더니 ‘굿데이 카드’가 연회비가 1만원인데…
전 연회비가 다른 것도 모르고 카드를 ‘변경’하는 것도 아닌 ‘추가발급’을
받았던 것이었습니다. 자꾸 끌어 오르는 화를 참고 있는데 저랑 통화하시던 ‘방효정’씨? – 이름은
정확하지 않을 수 있습니다 – 는 기어이 사과의 말은 하지 않더군요.
고객상담 업무를 보시는 분들은 그 회사를 대표하시는 분들 아니었던가요? 물론 본인이 저지른
실수는 아니지만 회사를 대표해서 고객에게 미안하다는 말 한마디 할 수 있지 않나요? 그러고 보니 아까
통화하면서도 두 카드에 대한 연회비 얘기를 할 때, 이번 해에는 추가로 내야 할 연회비는 없다는 얘기가
처음에 제가 물어봤을 땐 나오지 않았던 것 같군요. 이건 녹취록이 있으니 확인해보면 알겠지만. 제가 참다 못해 ‘고객상담업무를 보고 있다면 회사를 대표하는 입장일텐데, 사과는 한 번 하실 수 있지 않냐’물었더니 회피하더니 카드 발급
담당직원한테 내용을 전달 할 테니 내일 당사와 통화하라고 하더군요.
통화 중에 막무가내로 소리지르고 화내지도 않았고 최대한 차분히 하고 싶었지만 이렇게 흥분하게 돼버렸네요. 연회비로 시작된 문제인 듯 보이지만 이건 돈의 문제가 아니지 않은가요? 상품을
판매하는 입장에서 고객에게 ‘어떤 선택 가능한 옵션이 있고 해당 상품에는 이러한 특징이 있으며 수반하는
조건은 다음과 같다’ 라고 설명을 해줘야 했던 것 아닌가 싶어서 이렇게 한마디 남기고 갑니다. 물론 사기나치고 하는 일부 업체나 사업자들은 그럴수도 있겠지만 여기는 KB 아닙니까. 은행이든 카드든. 첫 번째 단추가 잘 못 끼워졌더니 두 번째에 바로
잡을 수 있을 때에도 이렇게 엇나가는 것 같아 아쉽네요. 뭐 엉뚱한 곳에서 뺨 맞고 다른데 와서 하소연
하는 것처럼 보일 수도 있는데 제가 이렇게 쓰는 것은 상황이 이러이러한데 제가 뭘 잘못했는지 알자는 겁니다.
Friday, 19 October 2012
this night
Feels like with his music, I could do anything.
I am writing another cover letter. and I found a peace in this very moment. Thanks Bach.
with his another recording, Bach 2000 [Teldec]
I am writing another cover letter. and I found a peace in this very moment. Thanks Bach.
with his another recording, Bach 2000 [Teldec]
Monday, 15 October 2012
Saturday, 6 October 2012
Woke up in the middle of the night. I don’t
know whether I was too cold or I just forgot to brush my teeth. I think
I had a dream. I got a text from you saying ‘I was in Myeongdong and now I’m
coming back to my country. But I’m coming back to here in next week’.
I was frustrated and didn’t know what to
do. After that dream, did I try to unblock you? I don’t know. Few minutes
later, I realised that it was just a dream. Few months ago, I thought that I
was ready to fall in love cause I was ready, not I was lonely – in fact, i
guess I was :). Was it about you?
By the way, I newly bought a desk for
myself and told father that I don’t know how much I’m happy to get a desk in my
room. He said ‘does it make you that happy, well…. before you were born, when I
was only with your mum, we were so happy when we bought a fridge. For now it’s unimaginable
to think that getting A fridge could make people that happy but those were the
Well, just sleep off
Friday, 28 September 2012
you've got me discovered my [pa[ɑ]sjɔ̃]
i was deeply touched, inspired and motivated when i read his another book 'Discover your passion'
cause iTunes hasnt got that book any longer
anyway it was hilarious and so practical. on the other hand, it was too true and we happend to get touched and motivated by a simple thing what kids are aware of already. but that is the reality where we living in. we face the simple truth and ignore it as saying 'that's a good story but hell... this is reality. this place would be a better place to live if everybody's living like that but.... this is the reality'
by the way, recently ive changed my phone which is not iDevice ;) so i can no longer have his book on my phone.
so may i convert your book - EPUB format - to PDF and hold it on my new mobile? im not gonna use it as a commercial purpose ever;)
Thursday, 27 September 2012
the S3 or iPhone 5?
there are TOO many people who are arguing which one is better.
hey guys just deal with the fact.
BOTH are great phones. the matter is not that what is better but
what suits you better.
before you go arguing with people, think twice please
we are living in a big world and here is so many way to live or think
when you can understand the other, you might see something more.
i just watched a video
'아시아의 열대 - 2부 까로의 슬픈열대(The tropics in Aisa - #2 Caro's the blue tropic)'
it showed the people who live in Indonesian tropical region. some of them are living in the modern... village;; some of them are still living sort of traditional places in traditional ways. the latter barely wear clothes and sometimes they get married in traditional way for the money from travellers. one of their customs was that women cut their each finger themselves after their husbands had died. one of them has got only one finger at one hand. they said 'it's for sharing their condolences for the loss of their men. and they cut the edge of their ears when they lost their cousins - i cant remember exactly.
some says 'what the hell are they doing in there?', 'it's unbelievable that they and we are living in the same time' or just... 'oh, dear...'
well should we have a sympathy for them? are they really living worse than us?
it, for sure, could be horrible if those things happen in the world i live - and you live also. but it's not.
im not that critical for this fact
but i think im pretty critical for whom say bluh bluh bluh.
we are the same human being and we just live in different situation, environment, or something like that.
every single person - even a thing - has its own way to live / survive / enjoy their lives. NO one could ever judge other. just face the truth and accept it.
when i was watching it, i was just pleased to see them smiling at each other, worrying about their kids, doing some embarrassing things for the money which would be given to their children's study in abroad. i could feel the warm heart of the parents and once again, i could see that smile makes other smiling. just like this, we are living in the SAME world in the same way but slightly(actually a bit more) different environment. we arent luckier than them. we are both lucky. we have parents, children at least we can smile :)
what i truly wanna say is i just believe that just see the facts and dont be biased. i know we certainly have the cases what we must be biased but you know im not talking about that case. once you started to compare, youll be judged also oneday.
hey guys just deal with the fact.
BOTH are great phones. the matter is not that what is better but
what suits you better.
before you go arguing with people, think twice please
we are living in a big world and here is so many way to live or think
when you can understand the other, you might see something more.
i just watched a video
'아시아의 열대 - 2부 까로의 슬픈열대(The tropics in Aisa - #2 Caro's the blue tropic)'
it showed the people who live in Indonesian tropical region. some of them are living in the modern... village;; some of them are still living sort of traditional places in traditional ways. the latter barely wear clothes and sometimes they get married in traditional way for the money from travellers. one of their customs was that women cut their each finger themselves after their husbands had died. one of them has got only one finger at one hand. they said 'it's for sharing their condolences for the loss of their men. and they cut the edge of their ears when they lost their cousins - i cant remember exactly.
some says 'what the hell are they doing in there?', 'it's unbelievable that they and we are living in the same time' or just... 'oh, dear...'
well should we have a sympathy for them? are they really living worse than us?
it, for sure, could be horrible if those things happen in the world i live - and you live also. but it's not.
im not that critical for this fact
but i think im pretty critical for whom say bluh bluh bluh.
we are the same human being and we just live in different situation, environment, or something like that.
every single person - even a thing - has its own way to live / survive / enjoy their lives. NO one could ever judge other. just face the truth and accept it.
when i was watching it, i was just pleased to see them smiling at each other, worrying about their kids, doing some embarrassing things for the money which would be given to their children's study in abroad. i could feel the warm heart of the parents and once again, i could see that smile makes other smiling. just like this, we are living in the SAME world in the same way but slightly(actually a bit more) different environment. we arent luckier than them. we are both lucky. we have parents, children at least we can smile :)
what i truly wanna say is i just believe that just see the facts and dont be biased. i know we certainly have the cases what we must be biased but you know im not talking about that case. once you started to compare, youll be judged also oneday.
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
from Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
'... One of Jobs's business rules was to never be afraid of cannibalising yourself. "If you don't cannibalise yourself, someone else will," he said.'
it could be shorten as "sometimes, when you don't give a fuck, you get a fuck."
it could be shorten as "sometimes, when you don't give a fuck, you get a fuck."
'... Bach, he declared, was his favourite classical composer. He was particularly fond of listening to the contrasts between the two versions of the "Goldberg Variations" that Glenn Gould recorded, the first in 1955 as a twenty-two-year-old little-known pianist and the second in 1981, a year before he died. "They're like night and day," Jobs said after plating them sequentially one afternoon. "The first is an exuberant, young, brilliant piece, played so fast it's a revelation. The later one is so much more spare and stark. You sense a very deep soul who's been through a lot in life. It's deeper and wiser."...'
i was used to be fond of András Schiff's recording only, but it's gonna be... well, i will tell you guys later :)
Saturday, 15 September 2012
from observando
would you like you, if you met you?
well i think it could be the most challengeable thing
what do you think? are you dare?
well i think it could be the most challengeable thing
what do you think? are you dare?
Sunday, 9 September 2012
Is The Life Sweet?
I do know it is bloody bitter.
but we learn that the life could be sweet from that bitterness.
even though it could be just an aimless hope
isn't it true
I do know it is bloody bitter.
but we learn that the life could be sweet from that bitterness.
even though it could be just an aimless hope
isn't it true
mum I'm...
mummy I'm sorry
I'm killing myself with my own thoughts, my own todays and even with your money
where or when had it begun to rattle
it does feel like to go home strait way but I have to be here few more days
a baby or a lost kitty outside is crying out loud as whatsoever it is dying now
what should I do to bear or endure all of this.. just sleep off?
by the fucking way
why didn't you tell me what I'm gonna face from the fucking beginning
who knows I probably be able to think of this kind of stuff in advance huh?
Jesus I'm fucking tired of this all of the crap indeed you know?
I'm killing myself with my own thoughts, my own todays and even with your money
where or when had it begun to rattle
it does feel like to go home strait way but I have to be here few more days
a baby or a lost kitty outside is crying out loud as whatsoever it is dying now
what should I do to bear or endure all of this.. just sleep off?
by the fucking way
why didn't you tell me what I'm gonna face from the fucking beginning
who knows I probably be able to think of this kind of stuff in advance huh?
Jesus I'm fucking tired of this all of the crap indeed you know?
Friday, 7 September 2012
The Simplicity and conscience to the something
Why do we assume that simple is good? Because
with physical products, we gave to feel we can dominate them. As you bring order
to complexity, you find a way to make the product defer to you. Simplicity isn’t
just a visual style. It’s not just minimalism or the absence of clutter. It involves
digging through the depth of the complexity. To be truly simple, you have to go
really deep. For example, to have no screws on something, you can end up having
a product that is so convoluted and so complex. The better way is to go deeper
with the simplicity, to understand everything about it and how it’s
manufactured. You have to deeply understand the essence of a product in order
to be able to get rid of the parts that are not essential.
-from 'Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson'
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
A meaningful distraction
last one is my 'Wish List' for my friends from abroad. actually i wanted to give one or two of these to friends when i was in Australia. but i didnt think this at the moment.
it's never late right?
i'll prepare these for a case.
as you know guys,
DOKDO is Korean Territory.
got a new album of Bach's
완전 흥분된다ㅎㅎ 근데 앨범에 대한 정보가 너무 없어.. 아마존에서도 못찾겠고.. 이 앨범에 대한거 알고 있으신분 있으면 도움 좀 주세요 ;)
so excited. but is there anyone who could give me some details of this album?Monday, 3 September 2012
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Saturday, 1 September 2012
the tide
hey guys
how do you resist to the sudden tide of a feeling
me? I just did COOK curry for about two bloody hours
but anyway it helped me out and now I got calm a bit and try to sleep again
Jesus.. cooking curry at 1 am?!
what would you do in my case in this very time
how do you resist to the sudden tide of a feeling
me? I just did COOK curry for about two bloody hours
but anyway it helped me out and now I got calm a bit and try to sleep again
Jesus.. cooking curry at 1 am?!
what would you do in my case in this very time
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
What to do
finally i've found 'The only way to do great work is to love what i do'
it had taken a little while but, for now, i have no doubt to decide in this way
im gonna find what i should do from now on and will make it work in near future
good job ethan
Thursday, 23 August 2012
this (Sixth) sense makes the hell out of sense!!
I’ve just got to curious of reversal films so I downloaded ‘Usual
suspects’ and ‘the Sixth Sense’ both are so much famous in this genre of films.
So I decided to watch these which are watched over years by many, and also
everyone says these are good films.
I watched ‘Usual Suspects’ first. And it was disappointing. Of
course, every individual has got the different pointer of view, taste and
understandings but, at least, I got to guess ‘who might be the Keyser Soje’
just bit after the begging of the film. With my exhausted body, I finished
watching but I couldn’t stop to think ‘why the hell, seriously?’. So I’ve been
wandering tens of blogs to find the reviews for about an hour. But everybody
wows saying ‘this keeps thrill me over times. What was worse, it felt like the
mob psychology like ‘it wasn’t that bad as everybody’s saying it’s good’. I
truly wished that I could find the clue.
But tonight, just before, after watching ‘the Sixth Sense’, I was
frozen with lots of goose bumps until the ending credits were shown. I couldn’t
help to think myself ‘this was a breathtaking reversal. this one’s supposed to
be The reversal film!’. Before the doctor Malcolm realised the truth that he’s
dead, I’ve come to miss mummy due to a conversation of Cole and his mom. Because
of this, the effect might have been bigger than real. No. It definitely was. But
this one could be the intention of director, couldn’t it. Just like the scheme
to catch us off our guards. There were two things that I really love in this
film. One was ‘Love’ between Cole and his mom which was wide-spread in all over
the film. And the other was ‘Trust’ between the doctor and Cole which keeps
their truthful relationship which was shown true at the moment. Even though the
attitude of a patient was bit more consistent. That boy’s always been telling
the truth. ‘they only see what they wanna see’, ‘they don’t know they’re dead’
But most of all, what will be remained on my mind the most deeply
and clearly would be, of course, the conversation of Cole and his mom in their
car. The mother reflects the infinite faith, and the boy who saw that faith wasn’t
so sure that his mom couldn’t be able to accept it but started to talk his
story. Few moments later, mother tried to stop him but eventually she sided
with him just like a quote ‘no parents ever persuaded a determined child to do
otherwise’. When the boy told his mom what he heard from mom’s mom and she told
the boy what the question was, I was so sure that the love and the faith toward
her child have come from her mother. With mother’s tacit agreement, the boy
finished his talk and they tearfully hugged each other and made sure their
love. What an absolutely beautiful story! Of course, the film was good enough
itself, but this part has affected more than the effect of reversal.
would be my first review of films. I’m not sure that whether this was enough to
give me an effect or stimulation or I watched this film on the right time, tonight
was an obviously valuable time. of course including Fatass’s brother, Minje. Happy
birthday Minje. And above all, I do love you mummy.
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
this (Sixth) sense makes the hell out of sense!!
얼마 전 문득
반전영화에 대한 궁금증이 치솟았다. 그래서 받아 놓았던 영화가 반전영화의 대명사 ‘유주얼 서스팩트’와 ‘식스센스’. 왜인지는 모르겠지만 아직도, 누구나 좋은 영화라고 얘기하는, 이 두 영화를 보지 못했던 차에 어떤 계기인지는 모르겠지만 이 두 영화를 보기로 마음먹었다.
첫 번째로 ‘유주얼 서스팩트’를 봤다. 가히
실망이었다. 물론 사람마다 취향도 다르고 이해면서 흐름을 따라가는 정도도 다르지만, 적어도 난, 영화가 시작한 뒤 얼마되지 않아 ‘카이저 소재’의 소재를 짐작했다. 지친 몸으로 영화를 다 봤지만 ‘도대체 왜?’ 라는 질문이 머릿속을 떠나지 않았다. 영화를 다 본 후, 한 시간
가량 리뷰를 찾아 수 많은 블로그를 돌아 다녀봤지만 다들 ‘이건 보고 또 봐도 짜릿짜릿 하다’는 식의 감탄뿐이었다. 심지어 ‘남들이
그렇게 재밌다고 하니까… 나도 뭐 나쁘지 않은데?’ 라는
식의 군중심리가 아닐까 하는 의문마저 들었다. 내가 찾지 못한 어떤 실마리-클루를 찾기를 바랬지만.
하지만 가장 내
기억에 오랫동안 선명하게 남을 장면은, 단연 끝부분, 콜과
엄마의 차 안에서의 대화. 어머니는 아들에게 무한한 신뢰를 비췄고, 그
신뢰를 확인한 아들은 비록 어머니가 받아들일 수 없을지도 모른다는 생각을 하면서도 본인의 이야기를 시작한다. 얼마지
않아 어머니는 아들을 말리려고 하다 결국 아들의 편을 들어준다. 자식이기는 부모 없다는 명언이.. 아들이 할머니에게서 들었던 대답을 엄마에게 전해주고 그 질문을 어머니가 아들에게 말해줬을 때, 어머니가 가진 자식에 대한 사랑과 신뢰는 단연코 그 어머니로부터 왔다는 확신을 가질 수 있었다.
어머니의 무언의
수긍으로 아들은 이야기를 마치게 되고, 둘은 모자간의 눈물겨운 포옹으로 서로의 사랑을 확인한다. 아 이 얼마나 아름다운 이야기인가. 물론 영화자체도 좋지만 이 부분은
내게 있어 ‘반전’의 효과보다 더 크게 작용했다.
영화 리뷰를 남겨보는
것은 아마 처음이 아닐까 싶다. 그만큼 내게 큰 자극 혹은 영향을 주었던 영화인지, 적절한 때에 이 영화를 접하게 된 것인지는 알 수 없지만. 오늘
이 밤은 충분히 가치는 있는 시간이었다. 물론 은재의 동생, 민재의
생일을 포함해서. 민재야 생일 축하해. 그리고 무엇보다 엄마, 사랑해 힝ㅠㅠ
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Hi there
hi, im Donghwa from S. Korea which is the mother country of Dokdo(Dok-island in our East Sea)
i started this blog to share any kind of thoughts such as travel, music, art, humanity, philosophy or anything :) and also to write in English. i know there can be lots of wrong grammar or wrong choice of word or phrase. so id like to ask you guys to correct me please. i wish i can share as much as i can here, from my trips to the thought of the day etc. it's raining here by the way. have a good saturday evening.
nice to meet you guys.
i started this blog to share any kind of thoughts such as travel, music, art, humanity, philosophy or anything :) and also to write in English. i know there can be lots of wrong grammar or wrong choice of word or phrase. so id like to ask you guys to correct me please. i wish i can share as much as i can here, from my trips to the thought of the day etc. it's raining here by the way. have a good saturday evening.
nice to meet you guys.
hitler, the rise of evil
This presented me that all the pure is beautiful though these days majority of people want to be in a nice side while they are committing bads. How pure his evil-ness inside. He’s got a motivation and is acting with his own beliefs. These could be the point of charming oneself even though he himself can’t or don’t want to handle. Just like that Art is the purest passion for creation. His talent has gone in a way that most of us don’t like to but his inner passion is so admirable. And well, I think, during watching this film, he, Hitler, was only leading the people. Those people could be the junior Hitler, couldn’t they?
Thursday, 16 August 2012
well-tempered clavier
I was listening to Chaconne while I was reading Eat, Pray, Love out loud. And I put the Well-tempered Clavier after that. When it comes out I’ve suddenly happened to stop reading. I might be overwhelmed by Bach again. It felt like I was floating on the middle of a lake. Peaceful, calm and feels like there’s nothing in the whole universe except me, Bach and the surface which I’m floating on.
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