Tuesday, 28 August 2012

What to do

finally i've found 'The only way to do great work is to love what i do' 

it had taken a little while but, for now, i have no doubt to decide in this way
im gonna find what i should do from now on and will make it work in near future
good job ethan

Thursday, 23 August 2012

this (Sixth) sense makes the hell out of sense!!

I’ve just got to curious of reversal films so I downloaded ‘Usual suspects’ and ‘the Sixth Sense’ both are so much famous in this genre of films. So I decided to watch these which are watched over years by many, and also everyone says these are good films.

I watched ‘Usual Suspects’ first. And it was disappointing. Of course, every individual has got the different pointer of view, taste and understandings but, at least, I got to guess ‘who might be the Keyser Soje’ just bit after the begging of the film. With my exhausted body, I finished watching but I couldn’t stop to think ‘why the hell, seriously?’. So I’ve been wandering tens of blogs to find the reviews for about an hour. But everybody wows saying ‘this keeps thrill me over times. What was worse, it felt like the mob psychology like ‘it wasn’t that bad as everybody’s saying it’s good’. I truly wished that I could find the clue.

But tonight, just before, after watching ‘the Sixth Sense’, I was frozen with lots of goose bumps until the ending credits were shown. I couldn’t help to think myself ‘this was a breathtaking reversal. this one’s supposed to be The reversal film!’. Before the doctor Malcolm realised the truth that he’s dead, I’ve come to miss mummy due to a conversation of Cole and his mom. Because of this, the effect might have been bigger than real. No. It definitely was. But this one could be the intention of director, couldn’t it. Just like the scheme to catch us off our guards. There were two things that I really love in this film. One was ‘Love’ between Cole and his mom which was wide-spread in all over the film. And the other was ‘Trust’ between the doctor and Cole which keeps their truthful relationship which was shown true at the moment. Even though the attitude of a patient was bit more consistent. That boy’s always been telling the truth. ‘they only see what they wanna see’, ‘they don’t know they’re dead’ etc…

But most of all, what will be remained on my mind the most deeply and clearly would be, of course, the conversation of Cole and his mom in their car. The mother reflects the infinite faith, and the boy who saw that faith wasn’t so sure that his mom couldn’t be able to accept it but started to talk his story. Few moments later, mother tried to stop him but eventually she sided with him just like a quote ‘no parents ever persuaded a determined child to do otherwise’. When the boy told his mom what he heard from mom’s mom and she told the boy what the question was, I was so sure that the love and the faith toward her child have come from her mother. With mother’s tacit agreement, the boy finished his talk and they tearfully hugged each other and made sure their love. What an absolutely beautiful story! Of course, the film was good enough itself, but this part has affected more than the effect of reversal.

 This would be my first review of films. I’m not sure that whether this was enough to give me an effect or stimulation or I watched this film on the right time, tonight was an obviously valuable time. of course including Fatass’s brother, Minje. Happy birthday Minje. And above all, I do love you mummy.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

this (Sixth) sense makes the hell out of sense!!

얼마 전 문득 반전영화에 대한 궁금증이 치솟았다. 그래서 받아 놓았던 영화가 반전영화의 대명사 유주얼 서스팩트식스센스’. 왜인지는 모르겠지만 아직도, 누구나 좋은 영화라고 얘기하는, 이 두 영화를 보지 못했던 차에 어떤 계기인지는 모르겠지만 이 두 영화를 보기로 마음먹었다.

첫 번째로 유주얼 서스팩트를 봤다. 가히 실망이었다. 물론 사람마다 취향도 다르고 이해면서 흐름을 따라가는 정도도 다르지만, 적어도 난, 영화가 시작한 뒤 얼마되지 않아 카이저 소재’의 소재를 짐작했다. 지친 몸으로 영화를 다 봤지만 도대체 왜?’ 라는 질문이 머릿속을 떠나지 않았다. 영화를 다 본 후, 한 시간 가량 리뷰를 찾아 수 많은 블로그를 돌아 다녀봤지만 다들 이건 보고 또 봐도 짜릿짜릿 하다는 식의 감탄뿐이었다. 심지어 남들이 그렇게 재밌다고 하니까나도 뭐 나쁘지 않은데?’ 라는 식의 군중심리가 아닐까 하는 의문마저 들었다. 내가 찾지 못한 어떤 실마리-클루를 찾기를 바랬지만.

하지만 오늘, 방금, ‘식스센스를 보고 났을 땐, 엔딩 크래딧이 올라갈 때까지 몸에 소름이 가시질 않았다. 기가 막힌 반전이었다. 이런 것을 보고 반전이라고 하는거지! 라는 생각이 아직도 떠나질 않는다. 박사가 사실을 알아차리기 전, 콜과 엄마의 대화로 엄마가 막 보고 싶어졌던 직후에 밝혀진 것이라 그 효과가 더 컸을지도 모른다. 아니, 그랬다. 하지만 이 역시 감독의 의도가 아니었을까. 허를 찌르는 작전 같은.. 영화 전반에 깔려있던 모자간의 사랑, 당시에는 현실로 받아들여지던 의사와 환자의 진실한 관계를 유지시켜준 서로간의 믿음’. 비록 환자의 태도는 의사에 비해 좀 더 일관적이었지만 말이다. 그 아이는 항상 진실만을 말하고 있었다. ‘죽은 것 조차 모른다’, ‘보고싶은 것만 본다등등

하지만 가장 내 기억에 오랫동안 선명하게 남을 장면은, 단연 끝부분, 콜과 엄마의 차 안에서의 대화. 어머니는 아들에게 무한한 신뢰를 비췄고, 그 신뢰를 확인한 아들은 비록 어머니가 받아들일 수 없을지도 모른다는 생각을 하면서도 본인의 이야기를 시작한다. 얼마지 않아 어머니는 아들을 말리려고 하다 결국 아들의 편을 들어준다. 자식이기는 부모 없다는 명언이.. 아들이 할머니에게서 들었던 대답을 엄마에게 전해주고 그 질문을 어머니가 아들에게 말해줬을 때, 어머니가 가진 자식에 대한 사랑과 신뢰는 단연코 그 어머니로부터 왔다는 확신을 가질 수 있었다.
어머니의 무언의 수긍으로 아들은 이야기를 마치게 되고, 둘은 모자간의 눈물겨운 포옹으로 서로의 사랑을 확인한다. 아 이 얼마나 아름다운 이야기인가. 물론 영화자체도 좋지만 이 부분은 내게 있어 반전의 효과보다 더 크게 작용했다.

영화 리뷰를 남겨보는 것은 아마 처음이 아닐까 싶다. 그만큼 내게 큰 자극 혹은 영향을 주었던 영화인지, 적절한 때에 이 영화를 접하게 된 것인지는 알 수 없지만. 오늘 이 밤은 충분히 가치는 있는 시간이었다. 물론 은재의 동생, 민재의 생일을 포함해서. 민재야 생일 축하해. 그리고 무엇보다 엄마, 사랑해 힝ㅠㅠ

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Runkeeper activity 180812

Hi there

hi, im Donghwa from S. Korea which is the mother country of Dokdo(Dok-island in our East Sea)
i started this blog to share any kind of thoughts such as travel, music, art, humanity, philosophy or anything :) and also to write in English. i know there can be lots of wrong grammar or wrong choice of word or phrase. so id like to ask you guys to correct me please. i wish i can share as much as i can here, from my trips to the thought of the day etc. it's raining here by the way. have a good saturday evening.
nice to meet you guys.


hitler, the rise of evil

This presented me that all the pure is beautiful though these days majority of people want to be in a nice side while they are committing bads. How pure his evil-ness inside. He’s got a motivation and is acting with his own beliefs. These could be the point of charming oneself even though he himself can’t or don’t want to handle. Just like that Art is the purest passion for creation. His talent has gone in a way that most of us don’t like to but his inner passion is so admirable. And well, I think, during watching this film, he, Hitler, was only leading the people. Those people could be the junior Hitler, couldn’t they?

Thursday, 16 August 2012


dolce far niente
sweetness of doing nothing

well-tempered clavier

I was listening to Chaconne while I was reading Eat, Pray, Love out loud. And I put the Well-tempered Clavier after that. When it comes out I’ve suddenly happened to stop reading. I might be overwhelmed by Bach again. It felt like I was floating on the middle of a lake. Peaceful, calm and feels like there’s nothing in the whole universe except me, Bach and the surface which I’m floating on.